Go Cloud-Native for Next-Generation Research Capabilities
From services to solutions, cloud is everywhere. Your social network is all cloud; music streaming platforms are all cloud; your company payroll is (almost certainly) all cloud. Would the cloud be right for chemistry lab research?
Exponential data growth
Today’s labs capture huge quantities of data on a routine basis, and as automation increases and more devices join the infrastructure, the volume of data is growing inexorably. To handle near-exponential growth in data volume, research organizations have overwhelmingly chosen to harness cloud computing. Essentially, the cloud service provider is responsible for infrastructure capacity, security, reliability and more, while the company focuses on its core expertise. In addition, exchanging the capital expense of purchasing on-premises servers for the operational expense of cloud subscription can offer financial benefits.
More than a platform
In some cases, ‘moving to the cloud’ means nothing more than lifting and shifting software from a local on-premises server onto a virtual machine – perhaps on Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud. This kind of cloud move changes very little in terms of business flexibility or capability.
For research labs, only switching to truly ‘cloud-native’ solutions will unlock the real advantages of the cloud approach. Cloud-native applications are designed from the outset to take advantage of cloud computing principles and technologies, which provide a rich ecosystem of services and connected capabilities.
For a modern chemistry lab, using a cloud-native application opens up a world of possibilities. All the really cool things you want to do, such as integrating data from multiple devices and exploiting AI capabilities, can be realized using readily available cloud services.
Making the move happen
Labs currently using manual rather than digital solutions are, curiously, at a slight advantage, as they can make a direct jump to a cloud-native environment. Signals Notebook is a leading example of a cloud-native electronic lab notebook (ELN). In addition, Signals Notebook provides native support for ChemDraw, the industry-standard chemical drawing and communication tool.
For labs that have developed their own or deployed an on-premises ELN, there is often an accumulated store of unstructured data, such as PDFs, documents, spreadsheets, images and more. Managing the supporting infrastructure can be costly, and often absorbs time and effort that could be better directed to basic research.
Moving from on-premises to the cloud is non-trivial, and will take time and technical effort. Careful and detailed planning will ensure that moving existing store of data to the cloud results in an effective, valuable new resource.
Take the first step
A fully cloud-native ELN such as Signals Notebook removes infrastructure administration, enables the scalability essential for today’s data workload, and creates new opportunities for innovation and exploration.
If moving to the cloud is on your some-day, one-day list, then perhaps now is the time to take the first step. Experience for yourself what Signals Notebook feels like in this short, self-service, click-through demo.

Diana Tran
Sr. Product Marketing Specialist for Signals NotebookDiana Tran leverages over 10 years of healthcare and biotech experience in her role as Senior Product Marketing Specialist for Signals Notebook at Revvity Signals Software, Inc. She joined Revvity Signals over 4 years ago and is responsible for go-to-market strategy, positioning, and messaging for Signals Notebook.
Ms. Tran earned her Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical and Health Science from MCPHS University in 2013. Since then, she has worked across various roles that have allowed her to develop specialized expertise at the intersection of science, technology, and marketing.